Ed Lee

Ed , our best friend has been diagnosed with a rare lung disease. Please pray for a miracle healing and a possible lung transplant. ~Donna & Jerry Smith

Sep-05 / last prayer 7h ago
Lord, teach our youth to pray....

If you remain in Me & My words remain in you - ask whatever you wish - & it will be given you. This is to My Father's glory that you bear much fruit - showing yourselves to be My disciples.

Aug-31 / last prayer 7h ago

Homeless female - need assistance

Sep-01 / last prayer 7h ago

Michael has seizures, he is young with family. New meds - adjusting is a struggle. His mom, Kim, asked for prayer. ~ Barb Dodson

Aug-26 / last prayer 7h ago

Pray for Gibbi in hospital in Alabama. Diagnosis still unsure. Thank you Kayla

Sep-04 / last prayer 7h ago
Barbara P

Pray for back pain healing. Family coming and want to be free from pain. And have answers.

Sep-01 / last prayer 7h ago
My friend, Patrick

I had asked for prayer for Patrick and his family. Prayers answered. He is in counseling now. ~ Barbara Dodson

Aug-25 / last rejoice 7h ago
Mason Adams

Mason was in a serious car accident and has a concussion and possibly internal bleeding. His car flipped several times so it could’ve been worse. Thank God for his protection.

Aug-31 / last prayer 7h ago
a young man, Peyton, whose memorial service is today 9/7

Father in heaven, we pray for the grieving family and friends of Peyton as they seek Your comfort and Your peace - that surpass our understanding. .... Be their strength in these days. ...

Sep-07 / last prayer 3h ago
Robbie and family

His wife had pregnancy complications and delivered a baby boy at 35 weeks. 6 lbs. 19 " long. Mom and baby are doing well.

Aug-25 / last prayer 7h ago
Carolyn (Momma) Chesnut

Please continue to pray for Momma. She will be having colon surgery sometime before the end of September. We see her cardiologist on Sept 10, and then we will be able to schedule surgery.

Sep-02 / last prayer 7h ago
Albert Volk from Saint Augustine

Dr. Volk was a brilliant diagnostician and awesome surgeon who ran marathons and now can hardly walk. He has Parkinson’s and is in rehab/assisted living. Very nice and loving MD. ~Barb Dodson

Aug-26 / last prayer 7h ago

Aria is our 9-yr-old grandniece. Thanks for your prayers being answered. The neurosurgeon says he isn't needed but will send her to a neurologist. Please continue to Pray & Praise! Donna & Jerry Smith

Sep-06 / last prayer 7h ago

Ricky is my best friend's husband. He is 63 & needs a lung transplant. They find out Tuesday if he gets to go on the transplant list. Prayers for him to get on the list and a viable match for him.

Aug-31 / last prayer 7h ago

Thank you all for your prayers. My sweet sister-in-law was called home to live in eternity with our lord and savior and is no longer suffering. Praise God!

Aug-28 / last rejoice 7h ago

My Grandson has taken the road to drugs. Please pray for him to beat it. Pray for him to turn to God, because his addiction is destroying his relationship with his family.

Aug-27 / last prayer 7h ago

I was called to get a repeat mammogram on Sept 13. Please pray that they don’t find anything wrong on that exam. Thank you.

Aug-26 / last prayer 7h ago